Tuesday, July 1, 2008

There's only One One One One One......LAGOON! It's where fun is!

So, when I went up to Centerville to visit, we decided to celebrate our days off at Lagoon. We felt like 13 year olds and it was awesome!!

The white rollercoaster...my favorite!

One minor detail: when we got back from Lagoon, we must have done one too many loop-da-loops on Colossal because I had lost my keys out of my pocket. Miraculously, I had a spare in my car and a police man was nice enough to slim-jim it for free!

1 comment:

Sharlene and Matt said...

i love Lagoon! i went for the first time in like 3 years the other week and it was a blast! You guys look so cute!! how fun! I haven't seen you forever! it'd be fun to get together sometime